Samsung Tablet Waiting to Upload Google Drive

Quick Search:

  • Preface
  • Why is Google Drive Upload Stuck?
  • How to Prepare the Google Drive Upload Stuck Issue
  • Bonus Tip: How to Avert the Google Drive Upload Stuck Trouble
  • Conclusion


Google Drive
Google Bulldoze

Google Drive is one of the most popular deject services where nosotros store photos, videos, documents and other data, relieving the storage load on our computers or phones. Although Google Bulldoze has gained millions of users, there are withal various problems when uploading files such as Google Drive not uploading, Google Drive upload failed, Google Drive not syncing, failing to connect to Google Drive, etc.

In detail, the problem of Google Bulldoze stuck on uploading is a big problem for many users. And many are wondering why information technology takes so long for Google Drive to upload files, and how to set the stuck uploading problem on Google Bulldoze.

To solve the trouble, nosotros offer 9 ways to fix the stuck uploading issue on Google Bulldoze in this article today.

Why is Google Drive Upload Stuck?

Learning the reasons for the stuck uploading problem on Google Drive may assist you notice out the solutions easier. Therefore, before turning to solutions directly, information technology's benign for users to know what leads to the stuck uploading issue on Google Bulldoze. And in that location are some possible reasons:

  • Unstable Internet connexion.
  • The file size is too large.
  • File names are with special symbols.

At that place're other causes that may be responsible for this problem, certainly. Anyway, whenever you happen to accept this upshot, you tin can check the network connection, file size, file name, etc. at get-go. If you don't know how to do it, please read the following content that shows you 9 detailed methods.

How to Prepare the Google Drive Upload Stuck Result

Hither are 9 effective methods with the steps in detail to fix the trouble of Google Drive stuck on uploading. We hope they will exist helpful and please read farther!

Style i: Check the Condition of Google Bulldoze

Since sometimes Google Drive appears to be running but really has been interrupted, you lot tin bank check whether Google Drive has discontinued by visiting Google Status Dashboard when finding stuck uploading issue on Google Drive. Meanwhile, if your Google Drive tin can't upload or connect, you can as well check the Google Drive status at first.

If Google Bulldoze has stopped running, please expect for information technology to run again. Or, you tin click on the link next to it to find a solution.

Google Drive Status
Google Drive Status

Way 2: Disconnect Your Google Drive Business relationship and Sign in Again

Yous can disconnect from your Google Drive account so log in all over again, which may solve the "Google Drive upload stuck" upshot.

►If y'all are using Bulldoze for Desktop:

Step one: Click Google Drive icon on the right lower corner of your figurer.
Step two: Press the cog icon to select Preferences.
Step 3: Tap the cog icon on the right upper side and click on the Disconnect account tab.
Pace iv: Now, open Bulldoze for desktop on your calculator and sign in again. Next, try to upload files to see if this problem happens.

Disconnect Account
Disconnect Account

►If you are using Google Bulldoze on the web:

Step one: Get to your Google Drive on the spider web, and click your avatar on the right upper corner.
Step 2: Click Sign out in the popular-up window.
Pace 3: Then sign in to your Google Drive on the spider web once again, and upload files to Google Bulldoze to see whether the problem withal happens.

Fashion 3: Disable Firewall and Anti-Virus Services

Firewall and anti-virus services may pb to the "Google Drive upload stuck" issue. So, if you have installed those kinds of services, you can disable them before uploading files to Google Bulldoze. Here'south what you can follow:

Step 1: Become to Settings on your calculator.
Step ii: Head to Update & Security and select Windows Security.
Step 3: Check if the firewall and anti-virus services are on. If and then, please disable them temporarily. And then, you can endeavor to upload files to Google Drive once more.

Firewall & Network Protection
Firewall & Network Protection

Way iv: Articulate Unwanted Data and Enshroud

The browser nosotros use saves cookies, browsing history and other information then that we tin can visit websites faster. However, as well much data may cause some problems such equally the "Google Drive upload stuck" issue. So, when uploading is stuck on Google Drive, you lot can clear information and cache saved on the browser.

Pace ane: Open the browser you usually use (taking Google Chrome as an example here and the steps to clear data and cache on other browsers are similar to Chrome).
Stride 2: Click the iii-dots button at the top right corner and head to Settings.
Pace 3: Head to Privacy and security on the Settings page, and click Clear browsing data.
Stride four: Select the date range and tap Clear information.

Clear Cache
Clear Cache

If you lot more often use your phone to upload files to Google Bulldoze, you can try to clear enshroud and data on your phone and upload files to Google Bulldoze again.

  • For iOS: Head to Settings > General > iPhone Storage > Drive > Delete App. And so install the Google Drive app again.
  • For Android: Go to Android Settings > Apps and Notification > Bulldoze > Storage & cache > Clear CACHE.

Way 5: Upload Files in Batches

Google Bulldoze is able to handle a single large file/folder. Only if you lot are uploading multiple folders with hundreds of gigabytes of data at one time, the "Google Bulldoze upload stuck" issue may come to you. And then how then set up it in this situation? Surely, you can upload files in that binder in batches, which can brand information technology easier to upload to Google Bulldoze successfully.

Fashion 6: Check the Network Connection

If the to a higher place methods can withal not handle Google Drive stuck on starting upload issue, you can check the network connectedness to see whether it works well.

Stride i: Go to Settings on your computer.
Step 2: Click Network & Internet. And then the Status will come out and y'all tin can check if your computer is connected to the network well.

Network and Internet
Network and Internet

Way vii: Check the Storage Space on Google Drive

Once Google Drive runs out of storage, files uploading will end immediately. Therefore, you lot tin can check if Google Drive storage is bereft. If it is, you tin upgrade your storage or sign upwards for more Google Bulldoze accounts to avoid the "Google Drive upload stuck" issue.

The way to bank check how much storage you take left is very simple. And you tin direct log in to your Google Bulldoze on the web and caput to the last tab on the left sidebar.

Check Google Drive Storage on the Web
Check Google Drive Storage on the Web

Way viii: Check the File Name

The file proper noun with !, <, >, ;, [, ] and other special symbols cannot be uploaded to Google Drive successfully. Thus, you tin check if the file name you programme to upload to Google Drive contains special characters. If information technology does, rename it and try to re-upload the file to Google Drive again.

Way 9: Reinstall the Google Drive App

If upload stuck on Google Drive is happening still, y'all can endeavour to uninstall Google Drive and install it on your computer/phone again. After that, you could try to upload files to Google Bulldoze to cheque whether the "Google Drive uploading files stuck" issue occurs again.

Bonus Tip: How to Avert the Google Bulldoze Upload Stuck Trouble

If all solutions above still cannot work well, y'all can turn to another free service, MultCloud, to assistance you upload files to Google Drive very speedily and easily. MultCloud is a cloud file director that allows users to download files from Google Photos, add folder to OneDrive besides as uploading files to Google Drive.

Thus, when y'all find it difficult to upload files to Google Drive smoothly by its spider web and desktop app, you can ask MultCloud for help. And here're the step-by-pace operations you tin follow:

Step i: If you don't have a MultCloud account, you can register ane and then sign in.

Sign Up
Sign Up

Step 2: After heading to your MultCloud, printing Add Cloud on the left taskbar to add Google Drive.

Add Google Drive
Add Google Bulldoze

Stride 3: Later on adding Google Bulldoze, it will show up nether the My Deject Drive. And you can become to Google Drive to click Upload File.

Upload Files to Google Drive
Upload Files to Google Drive

Stride 4: Select the file you want to upload to Google Drive and click Open. Then the file will upload to Google Drive smoothly and quickly.

The Special and Advanced Features of MultCloud:

1. In addition to basic features like syncing folder with Google Drive and share folder from any clouds, MultCloud can help y'all upload/download files from magnet links, torrent files and URL past the Remote Upload characteristic. Meanwhile, the Deject Transfer feature allows yous to transfer from 1 cloud to some other effortlessly.

two. If yous have many files to transfer and observe it troublesome to oversee the data migration process, you can ask Offline Transfer for aid. That is to say, once yous start the transferring job, MultCloud tin run it in the background, even if your computer is disconnected.

iii. Moreover, the Cloud Sync feature of MultCloud offers you 9 dissimilar sync modes to see different needs and help you sync files from one cloud to another. For example, when syncing from Dropbox to Google Bulldoze, if you choose Existent-Fourth dimension Sync, it means the added, modified and deleted files in the source directory volition exist replicated to the target directory simultaneously and vice versa.


This commodity offers 9 means to prepare the "Google Drive upload stuck" effect, if y'all are uploading files with Google Drive and the files are stuck in the middle of uploading, you lot can try methods nosotros provide. Notwithstanding, if those solutions aren't helpful, yous can use MultCloud to upload your files to Google Drive.

MultCloud supports many major clouds such as Google Bulldoze, Google Photos, OneDrive, Flickr, FTP, pCloud, etc. and is specialized in clouds management. With this service, y'all can download and upload files efficiently without worrying near stuck uploading issue on Google Bulldoze anymore.


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